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PDFs and scans

PDFs of arcade machine documentation -- manuals, backdoor sheets, schematics, etc. (Hits: 37360)
Arcade Manuals and Schematics (1351)
Arcade machine manuals and schematics in PDF form.
Kickman Schematics, M79 Schematics, Vertigo schematics
Backdoor sheets (26)
Countertops (19)
PDF files relating to countertop cabinets (primarily Touch Master units).
Dip Switches and Pinouts (53)
Dip switches and pinouts for arcade machines.
Electronics (0)
PDF files explaining the ins and outs of electricity - AC, DC, resistance, parallel circuits, serial circuits, test equipment, etc.
Laserdisc Players (24)
Miscellaneous (2)
Miscellaneous arcade PDF files - Atari repair manual, service bulletins, etc.
Monitors (103)
Monitor schematics, troubleshooting info, etc.

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