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Arcade Machine Files

No artwork please. Instruction cards, backdoor sheets, fine. No side art, bezels, marquees, etc. There's already a place for those out on the net! (Hits: 61718)
Paint Codes (2)
Arcade cabinet paint codes
PDFs and scans (1578)
PDFs of arcade machine documentation -- manuals, backdoor sheets, schematics, etc.
Arcade Manuals and Schematics, Backdoor sheets, Countertops, Dip Switches and Pinouts, Electronics ...
Pinouts (992)
Arcade cabinet pinouts - Text documents
Switch Settings (517)
Dip switch settings for arcade machines - Text files
Miscellaneous (21)
Arcade machine files that don't fit elsewhere.

Found: 1 image(s) on 1 page(s). Displayed: image 1 to 1.

Wei-Ya_C2620HR.jpg (saint)
Arcade Machine Files
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